The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is seeking feedback and additional information from tangata whenua, the fishing industry, other stakeholders and interested parties on proposals to increase the in-season Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for a number of inshore fish stocks. The proposals focus on increasing the value fishers obtain from sustainable use of these well-managed inshore quota fisheries by increasing the quantity of Annual Catch Entitlement (ACE) available to fishers. They are:
for red cod RCO 2 and RCO 3, and flatfish FLA 3:
- a proposed increase in the in-season TAC for each stock; and
- a proposed increase for creating additional ACE for each stock
Consultation Documents
- Proposal for an in-season increase to the TAC for RCO 2 [PDF, 335 KB]
- Proposal for an in-season increase to the TAC for RCO 3 [PDF, 252 KB]
- Proposal for an in-season increase to the TAC for FLA 3 [PDF, 165 KB]
- Stakeholder Letter [PDF, 33 KB]
For more information or any queries on the content of the documents please contact Steve Halley at (02) 819 4622 or
MPI welcomes written submissions on the proposals contained in the consultation paper.
All written submissions must be received by MPI no later than 4pm on Monday, 22 April 2013.
Written submissions should be sent directly to:
Inshore Fisheries Management
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526, WELLINGTON 6140
Or email: