This paper seeks stakeholder comment on options for regulating a ban on shark finning in New Zealand in line with intentions announced by the Minister for Primary Industries and the Minister of Conservation in January 2014. The paper analyses options for:
• The timing of the ban;
− from 1 October 2014; or
− a phased implementation from 1 October 2014;
• The implementation of a ban;
− by requiring retained shark fins to be landed naturally attached ( “fins naturally attached” (FNA)); or
− by allowing shark fins to be landed not exceeding a specified weight ratio to the total shark landings (ratio approach); or
− a combination of FNA and ratio approaches depending on the shark species.
• Dealing with unwanted shark catches.
Implementation of a ban on shark finning in New Zealand fisheries will require amendments to the following Fisheries Legislation:
• the Fisheries (Commercial Fishing) Regulations 2001;
• the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations 2001;
• the Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Notice 2011; and
• Schedule 6 of the Fisheries Act 1996 (the Act).
Elimination of shark finning in New Zealand fisheries Consequential amendments to fisheries regulations - initial position paper
Discussion paper
News & Resources, Publications, Travel & Recreation, Fishing
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