This analysis examines the risks posed by infectious or parasitic agents when importing pigeons from Australia.
Eighty three organisms/diseases of concern of pigeons are considered. Of these 17 are identified as hazards and are subject to a risk assessment. As a result of this, a non-negligible risk is identified with avian paramyxovirus 1 (low pathogenicity), avian influenza virus (low pathogenicity), birnavirus, exotic Salmonella spp., Coxiella burnetti (Q fever), protozoal blood parasites (haematozoa), internal parasites, and external parasites.
Options are presented for the effective management of risk, including isolation in quarantine for suitable periods, testing for disease agent or antibodies to the agents, and treatment for internal and external parasites.
Pigeons (Columba livia) from Australia - Final import risk analysis (August 2009)
Risk analysis
Live Animals, Pets, Importing, Australia, Overview
Last updated