- Factsheet 3: Arable Sector [PDF, 835 KB]
- Factsheet 1: Dairy [PDF, 885 KB]
- Factsheet 4: Horticulture Sector [PDF, 870 KB]
- Factsheet 2: Meat Sector [PDF, 884 KB]
- Risk matrix: Meat [PDF, 370 KB]
- Risk matrix: Meat [XLSX, 16 KB]
- Risk matrix: Arable [XLSX, 19 KB]
- Risk matrix: Dairy [XLSX, 17 KB]
- Risk matrix: Horticulture [XLSX, 16 KB]
- Risk matrix: Seafood aguaculture [XLSX, 14 KB]
- Risk matrix: STEC [XLSX, 14 KB]
- Risk matrix: Mahinga kai/Wild foods [XLSX, 15 KB]
- Factsheet 5: Seafood and Aquaculture Sector [PDF, 678 KB]
- Factsheet 6: Mahinga Kai/Wildfood Sector [PDF, 850 KB]
It is very difficult to say what the New Zealand primary industry and food system landscape will look like in 2050 and 2100. Global socio-economic trends may proceed along a highly globalised and sustainable pathway with subsequent low (or zero) greenhouse gas emissions and relatively mild climate changes; or they may proceed along a highly regionalised and resource-intensive pathway where greenhouse gas emissions are high and unabated and climate changes are at the top end of current projections. Or, it might be somewhere in between. Each one of these global pathways will have local, national and international consequences for the New Zealand primary industry and food system landscape.