New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 214. 168 p.
(Manuscript 3334)
A spatial risk assessment of threats was undertaken for Hector’s and Māui dolphins, to inform a revised Threat Management Plan (TMP) for the species. A Bayesian risk model was developed using the spatially-explicit fisheries risk assessment (SEFRA) approach, incorporating revised estimates of Hector’s and Māui dolphin spatial density and intrinsic population growth rate. The risk model was used to estimate spatial overlap, annual deaths and risk for commercial fisheries and lethal non-fishery threats, including toxoplasmosis. Spatial overlap was estimated for other threats.
AEBR 214 – Spatial risk assessment of threats to Hector’s/Māui dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori).
Report - Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity (AEBR)
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