- Food Safety in the Home [PDF, 6971 KB]
- Food Safety practices in preparing and cooking a hāngi: He whakatairanga i ngā ahuatanga mahi mō te tunu hāngi [PDF, 1812 KB]
- Food safety tips for event organisers [PDF, 1155 KB]
- Food safety for hunters [PDF, 2352 KB]
- Food safety tips for selling food at occasional events [PDF, 1233 KB]
- Food safety guidance for preparing food for large groups during emergency situations [DOCX, 795 KB]
- Food safety for seafood gatherers [PDF, 1270 KB]
Pregnant women have lower levels of immunity than usual and may be more at risk of getting diseases carried by food. This booklet provides advice and guidance on what pregnant women can do to avoid dangerous food bugs.
Last updated
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