Most fishing methods catch target and non-target (unwanted) species, and unwanted catch may be returned to the sea in some cases.
Fishers and observers record catches of target and non-target species, and the amount of catch returned to the sea (discards).
Total non-target catch and discards for key species and species groups reported in the hoki, hake, ling, silver warehou, and white warehou (HHLSW) fishery from fishing years 2003 to 2022 were estimated with a statistical model.
Hoki and other target species make up most of the catch in this fishery, and key non-target species inluded javenlinfish, rattails, and sharks.
Gemfish showed a significant increasing trend in the amount of non-target catch reported, and sharks and slickheads showed significant decreasing trends.
The amount of catch that is discarded compared with the target catch is lower for this combined fishery than for other fisheries that are monitored.
Monitoring levels of catch and discards is important for understanding the impact of fishing on the environment.
AEBR 330 Non-target fish and invertebrate catch and discards in New Zealand hoki, hake, ling, silver warehou, and white warehou trawl fisheries from 2002–03 to 2021–22
Report - Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity (AEBR)
Last updated
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