The snapper fishery in Fisheries Management Area 2 (SNA 2) primarily occurs from Hawke Bay north to East Cape, on the east coast of the North Island. Snapper in this area are mainly taken as bycatch in trawling that targets tarakihi or gurnard.
As part of its management within the Quota Management System, snapper abundance in the north and south of SNA 2 is monitored using catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) from bottom trawl fisheries and, in this report, this information is given for 2002 to 2023.
Snapper abundance in both the north and south of SNA 2 has increased between 2016 and 2023: by more than three times in the north and by almost eight times in the south. Snapper in the southern area was assessed as Very Likely (> 90%) to be at or above the target level in 2022–23.
FAR 2024/70 Characterisation and CPUE for the snapper fishery in SNA 2 to 2023
Report - Fisheries Assessment Report (FAR)
Last updated