Ballara, S.L.; Barnes, T.C.; Hart, A.; Sutton, C.; Ó Maolagáin, C.; Spong, K (2024). Catch-at-age from commercial fisheries for hake (Merluccius australis) and ling (Genypterus blacodes) in 2022–23 and a trawl survey in 2024. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2024/74. 87 p.
This report provides catch-at-age for hake (Merluccius australis) and ling (Genypterus blacodes) from commercial fisheries during the 2022–23 (2023) fishing year and a research trawl survey in January 2024, to update ongoing time series.
These estimates are based on biological data and otoliths (ear bones used for ageing fish) sampled by observers and survey staff. The sampled ages are extrapolated via broader fishery or survey information (length frequencies scaled to total catch or survey biomass) to form a representative estimate of catch-at-age.
Catch-at-age estimates of exploited stocks are important for stock assessment and management because they provide information on the selectivity of fishing gear, magnitude of a given year class, and productivity (i.e. growth rate, age at reproduction, and natural mortality).
In order to improve the precision of the hake and ling catch-at-age estimates in the future, increased observer sampling of hake and ling biological data and otoliths, in key areas and times would be required.
FAR 2024/74 Catch-at-age from commercial fisheries for hake (Merluccius australis) and ling (Genypterus blacodes) in 2022–23 and a trawl survey in 2024
Report - Fisheries Assessment Report (FAR)
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