Cabinet paper
Fees & Charges General, Publications, News & Resources, Border Clearance, Consultations
- Implementation of the Border Clearance Levy – Cabinet paper [PDF, 2280 KB]
- Introducing a Biosecurity and Customs Passenger Levy – Cabinet paper summary (CBC)15 8 [PDF, 5058 KB]
- Border Clearance Levy: Release of Consultation Document – Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee minute (EGI Min (15) 11/4) [PDF, 242 KB]
- Introducing a Biosecurity and Customs Passenger Levy – Cabinet Business Committee minute (CBC Min (15) 1/2) [PDF, 476 KB]
This paper seeks approval to release the consultation document on the proposed design of the Border Clearance Levy on arriving and departing international air and sea passengers and crew.
Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee EGI (15) 113
Last updated