Applicable for Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
The information in this standard is provided on the following basis. The phytosanitary requirements found in this standard may be used as the basis of export certification. However, requirements may be changed by importing countries at any time at short notice or with no notice to New Zealand. This information is provided strictly on the basis that the Crown, the Ministry for Primary Industries, its statutory officers, employees, agents and all other persons responsible for or associated with the compilation, writing, editing, approval or publication of the information:
- disclaim any and all responsibility for any inaccuracy, error, omission, lateness, or any other kind of inadequacy, deficiency or flaw in, or in relation to, the information; and
- without limiting (1) above, fully exclude any and all liability of any kind on the part of all of them, to any person or entity that chooses to rely on this information
Compliance with this standard is not to be taken as a guarantee that any particular goods will be granted access to any overseas market.
(Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (French territories), Germany, Greece, Hungry, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden)
Last Updated: 20 October 2023
Import Permits or Declarations | Import permit NOT required.
Additional declarations for wood of conifers:
Note: Fusarium circinatum is not known to occur in New Zealand.
Certification Requirements |
Phytosanitary certificate required for conifer logs. Phytosanitary certificates must not be issued more than 14 days prior to export. Where a phytosanitary certificate is issued after a consignment has been dispatched the inspection date must be stated in the Inspection date field of the Phytosanitary certificate. The phytosanitary inspection date must be stated on all phytosanitary certificates issued for the export of New Zealand product to France, Italy, and Spain. All postal consignments must have the original phytosanitary certificate attached to the outside of the package on entry into the EU. From 23 October 2023 onwards, all phytosanitary certificates for the French territories Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte or Reunion must include France in the “Country of Destination” field of the phytosanitary certificate. |
Prohibited Importations | |
Bark | Free of bark if required for additional declaration. |
Insects | Free of quarantine pests. |
Fungi | Free of quarantine pests. |
Soil | Free of soil. |
Other | |
Pre-Shipment Inspections | Verification inspection required for phytosanitary certification. |
Approved Pre-Shipment Treatments | Coniferous logs that are not free of insect holes greater than 3mm across must be either kiln dried, heat treated or fumigated. |
Fumigation | Fumigated to ISPM15 requirements (maximum diameter 200mm). The active ingredient, minimum wood temperature, rate (g/m3) and exposure time (h) must be indicated on the phytosanitary certificate. |
Antisapstain treatments | |
Insecticide treatments | |
Heat treatments | Either kiln dried to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/ temperature schedule. The logs or their packaging must be marked ‘kiln dried’ or ‘KD’. or Heat treated to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 continuous minutes. The logs or their packaging must be marked “HT”. |
Preservative treatments | |
Concessional Release | None specified for New Zealand. |
General | Note: Importers must be registered with the relevant EU Member State. |
Wood/ Timber - Sawn
Import Permits or Declarations | Import permit NOT required.
Additional declarations for wood of conifers:
Note: Fusarium circinatum is not known to occur in New Zealand.
Certification Requirements |
Phytosanitary certificate required for wood of conifers. Phytosanitary certificates for containerised timber packets exported to the Netherlands must state the number of packets. Phytosanitary certificates must not be issued more than 14 days prior to export. Where a phytosanitary certificate is issued after a consignment has been dispatched the inspection date must be stated in the Inspection date field of the Phytosanitary certificate. The phytosanitary inspection date must be stated on all phytosanitary certificates issued for the export of New Zealand product to France, Italy, and Spain. All postal consignments must have the original phytosanitary certificate attached to the outside of the package on entry into the EU. From 23 October 2023 onwards, all phytosanitary certificates for the French territories Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte or Reunion must include France in the “Country of Destination” field of the phytosanitary certificate. |
Prohibited Importations | |
Bark | Free of bark if required for additional declaration. |
Insects | Free of quarantine pests. |
Fungi | Free of quarantine pests. |
Soil | Free of soil. |
Other | |
Pre-Shipment Inspections | Verification inspection required for phytosanitary certification. |
Approved Pre-Shipment Treatments | Coniferous timber that is not free of insect holes greater than 3mm across must be either kiln dried, heat treated or fumigated. |
Fumigation | Fumigated in accordance with ISPM15. Active ingredient, minimum wood temperature, rate (g/m3) and exposure time (h) must be entered into the treatment section of the phytosanitary certificate. |
Antisapstain treatments | |
Insecticide treatments | |
Heat treatments | Either kiln dried to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/ temperature schedule. The timber or its packaging must be marked ‘kiln dried’ or ‘KD’. Or Heat treated to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 continuous minutes. The timber or its packaging must be marked “HT”. |
Preservative treatments | |
Concessional Release | None specified for New Zealand. |
General | Note: Importers must be registered with the relevant EU Member State. |
Wood/ Timber - Chips
Import Permits or Declarations | Import permit NOT required.
Additional declaration for conifer wood chips.
Note: Fusarium circinatum is not known to occur in New Zealand. |
Certification Requirements |
Phytosanitary certificate required for conifer wood chips. Phytosanitary certificates must not be issued more than 14 days prior to export. Where a phytosanitary certificate is issued after a consignment has been dispatched the inspection date must be stated in the Inspection date field of the Phytosanitary certificate. The phytosanitary inspection date must be stated on all phytosanitary certificates issued for the export of New Zealand product to France, Italy, and Spain. All postal consignments must have the original phytosanitary certificate attached to the outside of the package on entry into the EU From 23 October 2023 onwards, all phytosanitary certificates for the French territories Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte or Reunion must include France in the “Country of Destination” field of the phytosanitary certificate. |
Prohibited Importations | |
Bark | Free of bark if required for additional declaration. |
Insects | Free of quarantine pests. |
Fungi | Free of quarantine pests. |
Soil | Free of soil. |
Other | - |
Pre-Shipment Inspections | Verification inspection required for phytosanitary certification. |
Approved Pre-Shipment Treatments | Coniferous wood chips must be made from debarked wood, fumigated or heat treated. |
Fumigation | Fumigated in accordance with ISPM15. Active ingredient, minimum wood temperature, rate (g/m3) and exposure time (h) must be entered into the treatment section of the phytosanitary certificate. On board ship or in container and sealed after fumigation. |
Antisapstain treatments | |
Insecticide treatments | |
Heat treatments | Either kiln dried to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/ temperature schedule. The chips or their packaging must be marked ‘kiln dried’ or ‘KD’. Or Heat treated to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 continuous minutes. The chips or their packaging must be marked “HT”. |
Preservative treatments | - |
Concessional Release | None specified for New Zealand. |
General | Note: Importers must be registered with the relevant EU Member State. |
Wood Products - Reconstituted/ Plywood/ LVL/ Veneer
Import Permits or Declarations |
Import permit NOT required. Additional declaration for conifer reconstituted/ plywood/ LVL/ veneer wood products:
Certification Requirements |
Phytosanitary certificate required for conifer reconstituted/ plywood/ LVL/ veneer wood products. Phytosanitary certificates must not be issued more than 14 days prior to export. Where a phytosanitary certificate is issued after a consignment has been dispatched the inspection date must be stated in the Inspection date field of the Phytosanitary certificate. The phytosanitary inspection date must be stated on all phytosanitary certificates issued for the export of New Zealand product to France, Italy, and Spain. From 23 October 2023 onwards, all phytosanitary certificates for the French territories Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte or Reunion must include France in the “Country of Destination” field of the phytosanitary certificate. |
Prohibited Importations | |
Bark | Free of bark if required for additional declaration. |
Insects | Free of quarantine pests |
Fungi | Free of quarantine pests |
Soil | Free of soil. |
Other | |
Pre-Shipment Inspections | Verification inspection required for phytosanitary certification. |
Approved Pre-Shipment Treatments | |
Fumigation | Fumigated in accordance with ISPM15. Active ingredient, minimum wood temperature, rate (g/m3) and exposure time (h) must be entered into the treatment section of the phytosanitary certificate. On board ship or in container and sealed after fumigation. |
Antisapstain treatments | - |
Insecticide treatments | - |
Heat treatments | Either kiln dried to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/ temperature schedule. The wood products or their packaging must be marked ‘kiln dried’ or ‘KD’. Or Heat treated to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 continuous minutes. The wood products or their packaging must be marked “HT”. |
Preservative treatments | - |
Concessional Release | None specified for New Zealand. |
General | No further information.
Wood Products - Manufactured
Import Permits or Declarations |
Import permit NOT required. Additional declaration for conifer manufactured wood products:
Certification Requirements |
Phytosanitary certificate required for conifer manufactured wood products. Phytosanitary certificates must not be issued more than 14 days prior to export. Where a phytosanitary certificate is issued after a consignment has been dispatched the inspection date must be stated in the Inspection date field of the Phytosanitary certificate. The phytosanitary inspection date must be stated on all phytosanitary certificates issued for the export of New Zealand product to France, Italy, and Spain. From 23 October 2023 onwards, all phytosanitary certificates for the French territories Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte or Reunion must include France in the “Country of Destination” field of the phytosanitary certificate. |
Prohibited Importations | |
Bark | Free of bark if required for additional declaration. |
Insects | Free of quarantine pests |
Fungi | Free of quarantine pests |
Soil | Free of soil. |
Other | |
Pre-Shipment Inspections | Verification inspection required for phytosanitary certification. |
Approved Pre-Shipment Treatments | |
Fumigation | Fumigated in accordance with ISPM15. Active ingredient, minimum wood temperature, rate (g/m3) and exposure time (h) must be entered into the treatment section of the phytosanitary certificate. On board ship or in container and sealed after fumigation. |
Antisapstain treatments | - |
Insecticide treatments | - |
Heat treatments | Either kiln dried to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/ temperature schedule. The wood products or their packaging must be marked ‘kiln dried’ or ‘KD’. Or Heat treated to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 continuous minutes. The wood products or their packaging must be marked “HT”. |
Preservative treatments | - |
Concessional Release | None specified for New Zealand. |
General | No further information. |
Wood Products - Packaging
Import Permits or Declarations | Import permit NOT required. |
Certification Requirements | Wood packaging material and dunnage must be marked in accordance with ISPM 15. Phytosanitary certificate NOT required. |
Prohibited Importations | |
Bark | Wood packaging material and dunnage must be made of debarked wood in accordance with ISPM 15. Please Note: The EU does not require WPM to be stamped with the letters “DB” indicating that it is free of bark. |
Insects | Free of quarantine pests |
Fungi | Free of quarantine pests |
Soil | Free of soil. |
Other | |
Pre-Shipment Inspections | Verification inspection not required. |
Approved Pre-Shipment Treatments | Fumigation or heat treatment. |
Fumigation | Wood packaging material and dunnage must be treated in accordance with ISPM 15. |
Antisapstain treatments | |
Insecticide treatments | |
Heat treatments | Wood packaging material and dunnage must be treated in accordance with ISPM 15. |
Preservative treatments | |
Concessional Release | None specified for New Zealand. |
General | Wood packaging material not actually in use, but exported to the EU as a consignment must be ISPM15 compliant. |
Import Permits or Declarations |
Import permit NOT required.
Certification Requirements |
Phytosanitary certificate required for bark of conifers. Where a phytosanitary certificate is issued after a consignment has been dispatched the inspection date must be stated in the Inspection date field of the Phytosanitary certificate. The phytosanitary inspection date must be stated on all phytosanitary certificates issued for the export of New Zealand product to France, Italy, and Spain. From 23 October 2023 onwards, all phytosanitary certificates for the French territories Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte or Reunion must include France in the “Country of Destination” field of the phytosanitary certificate. |
Prohibited Importations | Bark of Sweet chestnut (Castanea Mill) is prohibited. |
Bark | - |
Insects | Free of quarantine pests. |
Fungi | Free of quarantine pests. |
Soil | Free of soil. |
Other | |
Pre-Shipment Inspections | Verification inspection required for bark of conifers. |
Approved Pre-Shipment Treatments | Bark of conifers must be fumigated or heat treated. |
Fumigation | No information on schedules for bark. Use New Zealand schedule. |
Antisapstain treatments | |
Insecticide treatments | |
Heat treatments | Heat treated to achieve the minimum temperature of 56°C for at least 30 continuous minutes. |
Preservative treatments | |
Concessional Release | None specified for New Zealand. |
General | Note: Importers must be registered with the relevant EU Member State. |
Quarantine Pests
See section 2.5 of the ICPR European Union [PDF, 2.8 MB]