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Cattle to the People's Republic of China - OMAR
Cattle to the Philippines - OMAR
Cattle to the Republic of Korea – OMAR
Cattle to Tonga – OMAR
Cervine and Camelid Semen to Spain – OMAR
Cervine Embryos to Australia – OMAR
Cervine Embryos to Canada – OMAR
Cervine Embryos to Chile – OMAR
Cervine Embryos to the United States of America – OMAR
Cervine Semen to Argentina – OMAR
Cervine Semen to Australia – OMAR
Cervine Semen to Canada – OMAR
Cervine Semen to Chile – OMAR
Cervine Semen to Slovakia – OMAR
Cervine Semen to the Republic of Korea – OMAR
Cervine Semen to the United Arab Emirates – OMAR