What we do
Te Pātuitanga Ahumoana a Kiwa (Te Pātui) is a programme run by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). We work with Pacific Island fisheries administrations to strengthen capacity to manage their fisheries. We focus on:
- governance
- management
- monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement.
Since 2011, we've partnered with fisheries officials in 15 Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs).
Find out more about Te Pātui's work and services [PDF, 173 KB]
How we work
Te Pātui advisers work directly with PICT fisheries staff to provide:
- personal learning and development opportunities
- solutions that are specific to fisheries needs in the Pacific.
Some of the ways Te Pātui does this include:
- training through workshops, seminars, and informal sessions
- providing advice and mentoring
- attachments (PICT fisheries staff working directly alongside New Zealand staff).
Te Pātui advisers usually travel to work with our PICT colleagues face-to-face. But online or remote support is also available.