Before applying GOP
GOP is effective if, on its own, or in combination with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), it enables you to:
- control the factors that are reasonably likely to affect the safety and suitability of the food
- meet the relevant regulatory requirements.
As a food business operator, you have a primary duty to ensure the food you sell is safe and suitable for its intended purpose. The relevant food legislation sets general requirements for the production, processing and sale of food, and may:
- set additional standards in relation to a particular food or group of foods
- set out ways in which specific requirements can be met.
Before you can develop effective GOP, you need to understand the food safety and suitability standards that apply to your business and how your operations affect the safety and suitability of the food.
This means thinking about the:
- ingredients, other inputs and the food itself
- processes
- equipment
- people
- premises
- surrounding environment.
You can find out the regulatory requirements that apply to your business in the section for your food sector:
Steps for applying GOP to your business
- Read through the guidance documents to identify which procedures should be included in your GOP.
- Consider the food safety practices you already have in place. Use the guidance to determine if your current practices are sufficient and amend them as necessary.
- If there are gaps in your GOP, identify how you can introduce the good practices that you're missing. Use the guidance to develop the procedures that are necessary to completing your GOP.
- Let your staff know of any changes and how they need to do things.
- Monitor your staff to ensure they are following your GOP procedures. Take appropriate corrective action if necessary.
- Check periodically that the practices continue to be effective for your business and change them if necessary.
See the guidance documents for GOP:
Documenting GOP
Not all food businesses need to document their GOP practices. However, if you use GOP to create a Food Control Plan (FCP), Risk Management Programme (RMP) or Wine Standards Management Plan (WSMP), then you need to document your GOP before you can register your plan or programme. Refer to the following to find out more information about this:
Risk Management Programmes (RMPs)
If guidance is not available
If you find that guidance is not available for an aspect of your GOP, you can use other suitable information to help you develop your practices. Appropriate sources of information might include:
- international food agency documents
- industry codes of practice.
You still need to ensure the procedure is tailored to your business and that you meet the relevant regulatory requirements.
Who to contact
If you have questions about Good Operating Practice, email