About BMS harvest operators
Harvest operators remove BMS from a shellfish growing area and move them to a harvest vessel, vehicle, or container.
They may move BMS for a variety of reasons, including to go into wet storage, for relay, or to go to retailers, wholesalers, or processors.
What harvest operators need to do
If you're a BMS harvest operator, you must meet the BMS regulated control scheme (BMS RCS) requirements for:
- vessel or vehicle design
- operation
- maintenance
- sewage disposal.
You must also:
- be registered with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
- ensure your harvest vessels and vehicles are listed with a unique identifier
- meet requirements for labelling and harvest declarations of your product in the BMS RCS
- follow harvesting and transport time and temperature protocols
- ensure you have access to and follow the changes in status of growing areas.
Information on how to meet these requirements is in the Animal Products Notice: Regulated Control Scheme – Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish for Human Consumption [PDF, 899 KB]
Check these parts of the notice:
- Part 11 – Harvesting BMS.
- Part 13 – Transporting of BMS.
- Part 17 – Health of personnel.
Registering as a BMS harvest operator
To register as a BMS harvest operator, complete application form AP47 and send it to us.
AP47: Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish Harvest Operator Registration [PDF, 859 KB]
AP47: Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish Harvest Operator Registration [DOC, 497 KB]
Contact details and costs for registering are on the form.
You must also include a verification report for each vessel or vehicle you use for harvesting BMS. Information on this is in the Animal Products Notice: Specifications for Products Intended for Human Consumption [PDF, 1.7 MB]
BMS harvest operators must renew their registration with MPI every 5 years.
Register of harvest operators
We have a list of registered commercial BMS harvest operators and their vessels.
List of bivalve molluscan shellfish harvest operators
Who to contact
If you have questions about working as a BMS harvest operator, email info@mpi.govt.nz