Scope of WSMP verification
Verifiers develop their own scope. This allows flexibility in what is checked during the verification visit. However, there are some key areas that must always be verified, including traceability.
If you have listed an item in the scope, but are unable to observe it during the verification visit, you can still complete the verification and assign an outcome. However, you must be confident that all other areas in the scope comply.
There is no need to go back before the next scheduled verification visit to cover items in the scope you were unable to verify. They can be checked during the next verification.
If any corrective action has been required since the last verification, the WSMP operator must provide records of:
- what went wrong
- any actions taken to manage it.
Verification checks
Verifier checks may include recall procedures, wine production records, and the use of chemicals and other winemaking ingredients or commodities.
Chemicals and winemaking inputs
Part of the WSMP verifier's role is to check that the WSMP operator can demonstrate the suitability of chemicals and winemaking inputs.
The supplier provides information to the WSMP operator about suitability and food grade status of these. The information can be in the form of:
- product information sheets
- product specifications
- information and instructions on packaging
- material safety-data sheets.
Read more about supplying grapes and wine ingredients (commodities)
Wine reconciliation
The post-bottling reconciliation checks that the quantity of grapes received at the winery matches the volume of wine produced. The verifier needs to reconcile wine volumes (in litres) with the weight of incoming grapes (in tonnes). The result, expressed as litres per tonne, depends on:
- the grape variety
- seasonality
- the wine style – for example, hard press versus soft press.
For a small winery, a verifier might do the post-bottling reconciliation for the total production. For larger wineries, a sample could be applied to the entire operation.
A verifier might ask the WSMP operator about the volume of wine used for personal consumption. This may affect the outcome of the post-bottling reconciliation.
Wine recall procedures and records
All WSMP operators must have a recall procedure in place. Verifiers must check the procedure and its effectiveness. You can do this by checking the records of any recall or simulated recall since their last verification.
Wine Regulations 2021, Clause 82 – Recall procedures – NZ Legislation
Wine export requirements
Where applicable, export requirements and compliance with Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMARs) are checked during the WSMP verification.
Who to contact
If you have questions about WSMPs, email