- Annual logging plans [DOCX, 222 KB]
- Harvesting or milling indigenous timber for personal use - Application form [PDF, 388 KB]
For use when applying to harvest or mill indigenous timber for personal use under Part 3A of the Forests Act. - Indigenous forestry milling statement - Application form [PDF, 271 KB]
- Notice of intention to export indigenous timber (ITE1) [PDF, 343 KB]
- Notice of intention to export swamp kauri (ITE2) [PDF, 340 KB]
- Planted indigenous forest certificate - Application form [PDF, 208 KB]
- Registered sawmill change of ownership [PDF, 95 KB]
- Sawmill registration to mill indigenous timber - Application form [PDF, 168 KB]
All sawmills fixed or portable proposing to mill indigenous timber must be registered. - Sustainable Forest Management permit [DOCX, 61 KB]
A Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Permit allows the harvesting and milling of specified volumes of indigenous timber within a 10-year period. - Swamp kauri milling statement and statement of source - Application form [PDF, 267 KB]
For individuals
Mā te takitahi