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Learning from past adaptations to extreme climatic events: A case study of drought - Part B Literature review
Learning from past adaptations to extreme climatic events: A case study of drought - Part C Main report
Bridging the gap between environmental knowledge and research, and desired environmental outcomes to achieve sustainable land management: Phase Three
Nitrous oxide - Novel mitigation methodologies: Objective 1 - Hippuric Acid effects on N2O emissions
Soil methanotrophs - a novel methane mitigation technology?
Climate change policy: Measures to address - Agriculture sector GHG Emissions
Significance of wetlands in the agricultural landscape as sources of nitrous oxide emissions: A review and synthesis of hypotheses
Quantifying the variability of the effectiveness of nitrification inhibitors on N2O emissions (P21 lysimeter trial) - Interim Final Report
Urine sensor development project for MAFPol
Rapid assessment of nitrous oxide
Ruminant methane: Extension of the animal calorimetry facility at AgResearch Grasslands
A fermentation system for rapid and accurate modelling of rumen function
Productivity surfaces for Pinus radiata and a range of indigenous forest species under current climate conditions
Above- and below-ground carbon in Eucalyptus fastigata in the central North Island of New Zealand
Development of a carbon sequestration web tool for Eucalyptus fastigata
Future proofing plantation forests from pests