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Review of the impacts of climate change on soil processes - Appendices 2
Review of the impacts of climate change on soil processes - Appendices 1
Farm-level adaptive capacity to climate change
Development of advanced weather and climate modelling tools to help vineyard regions adapt to climate change – Part 2
Development of advanced weather and climate modelling tools to help vineyard regions adapt to climate change – Part 1
Coordination and cooperation for effective Climate Policy design
Aging 'non-forest' to 'forest' transition of gorse and broom – Final Summary paper
Systems analysis to quantify the role of farm management in GHG emissions and sinks for pastoral sector – Technical paper
Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Water Resources and Flooding
Factsheet 6: Mahinga Kai/Wildfood Sector
Factsheet 5: Seafood and Aquaculture Sector
Use of shallow samples to estimate the total carbon storage in pastoral soils
Total greenhouse gas emissions from farm systems with increasing use of supplementary feeds across different regions of New Zealand
Systems analysis to quantify the role of farm management in GHG emissions and sinks for pastoral sectors
Carbon Stocks and Changes in New Zealand’s Soils and Forests, and Implications of Post-2012 Accounting Options for Land-Based Emissions Offsets and Mitigation Opportunities - Including Appendices
Recommendations for irrigation management and grazing timings to minimise N2O emissions.