Cash and in-kind co-investment
We prefer cash co-investment but, on a case-by-case basis, we will consider in-kind co-investments. In-kind co-investment is project costs that are not billable. This could include people’s time, or facilities provided by your organisation to the project.
Funding from private (non-government) sources is acceptable. Funding from regional and local council funding sources may be possible if the “public good” benefits are significant. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Your contribution cannot include other Crown funding (unless using commercial funds). MPI can fund work initiated with the support of Crown funding, but the SFF Futures application must build on prior work, not duplicate it.
Co-investment funding ratios
The extent of MPI’s investment will mainly be determined by the extent of the benefits made available to New Zealand (the public good).
The greater the public good, the larger the proportion of total project costs MPI is likely to co-invest. On the other hand the greater the commercial outcomes (and associated intellectual property and commercialisation opportunities), the greater the amount of investment we require from the applicant.
Funding ratios also depend on:
- the applicant’s resources
- the size of the project
- the size and scale of the project’s benefits to New Zealand
- the magnitude of the opportunity
- the availability of funding
- the mix of projects receiving funding.
The standard level of MPI contribution is up to a maximum of 40% of the total project cost.
To apply or find out more
Contact us for more information.
Phone: 0800 00 83 33