On this page:
- Applying for PoFA approval
- Requirements to operate a PoFA
- Ensure the port has the right approvals
- Prepare for a regular assessment of your PoFA
- Manage your approvals – change, re-establish, or cancel
- Fees and charges
- Who to contact
Applying for PoFA approval
To receive offshore craft, vessels, persons and cargo, an airport or a seaport must be approved as a PoFA under section 37 of the Biosecurity Act 1993. There are 4 steps to follow.
- Before you apply as the PoFA operator, you must arrange a point of entry for the Ministry of Health, CCA for Customs, and other department requirements.
- Contact the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to review your operating manual and biosecurity control areas to ensure all facilities are appropriate.
- Fill out and sign the PoFA application form.
- Send the completed form and other documentation to MPI.
Section 37 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 – NZ Legislation
These steps are covered in more detail on this web page or you can download our fact sheet.
Applying for PoFA approval – fact sheet [PDF, 315 KB]
1. Before you apply for PoFA approval
If your airport or seaport wants to apply for PoFA approval, you must provide evidence that you meet other agency requirements. Those agencies are:
- New Zealand Customs Service
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Health
- New Zealand Police
- Local councils
Before you lodge your application to MPI, you must arrange other licensing requirements such as:
- International points of entry health requirements – Ministry of Health
- Customs-controlled areas – NZ Customs Service
Note: Although MPI consults with relevant government agencies under section 37D of the Biosecurity Act when processing PoFA applications, this does not include arranging these licensing requirements.
Section 37 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 – NZ Legislation
2. Contact MPI to review your operating manual and facilities
The PoFA operator must contact MPI and arrange for an inspector to:
- review the operating manual
- review the biosecurity control areas (BCAs)
- ensure all facilities, arrangements and systems are appropriate to operate and suitable to manage the biosecurity risks.
Check these and other requirements you'll need to meet to operate a PoFA
The MPI inspector will countersign your PoFA application form acknowledging the PoFA is compliant and suitable for the proposed operations.
Find your local MPI office or inspector
3. Complete the PoFA application form
To operate a place of first arrival, you must complete the application form.
Application for approval under section 37 as a PoFA [PDF, 230 KB]
Note: Approved PoFA operators use the same form to vary an existing PoFA approval.
4. Send documentation to MPI
Email your signed application form and supporting documentation to standards@mpi.govt.nz
MPI may request edits the documentation after submission. PoFA applications including variations take up to 8 weeks to process before an approval is issued.
Requirements to operate a PoFA
To receive MPI approval to operate a port (airport or seaport) as a PoFA, the port must meet specific requirements. These are outlined in the PoFA Standard [PDF, 301 KB] [PDF, 301 KB]
At a minimum, all PoFAs require:
- an approved operator and delegate(s)
- to be physically and structurally secure for containing uncleared risk goods
- a biosecurity control area (BCA) for processing passengers, crew, and their baggage
- adequate contingency plans to manage unexpected biosecurity events
- arrangements for hygiene, pest and weed management
- appropriate biosecurity signage
- if the PoFA operator outsources biosecurity related work, arrangements are required for those service providers
- provision of appropriate facilities to manage biosecurity risks, including approved transitional facilities if required
- adequate systems to manage craft arrivals, biosecurity risk goods and internationally arriving persons
- a system to notify MPI about arrival of craft, persons and cargo
- a security system to control cleared and uncleared cargo and passengers
- biosecurity training and communications
- documentation of all the above requirements, including an operating manual.
Depending on the craft and cargo approval type, PoFAs may need a quarantine area to unload bulk cargo. They may also need suitable facilities for particular uncleared risk goods, such as:
- a ramp or hoist for inspection of vehicles
- areas or facilities suitable for holing and treatment of contaminated goods.
Full details are in the standard.
MPI Standard: Places of First Arrival [PDF, 301 KB]
Approved operators and training requirements
PoFA operator delegates must complete PoFA operator training course which focuses on biosecurity responsibilities of operators, and their role in managing a PoFA, its facilities, arrangements, and approvals.
For information on locations and dates of training courses, email Learning.Development@mpi.govt.nz
If you have approved Transitional Facilities (TFs) within your PoFA, ensure training requirements of the TFs are met, including having an adequate number of trained accredited people.
Transitional facility operator training providers
Keep PoFA staff informed about biosecurity issues
Make sure staff are aware of biosecurity requirements and PoFA processes. MPI's biosecurity presentations and other resources can be used to support training of staff and service providers.
We provide regular updates for operators and staff on pests and diseases, and facility requirements – including through our See, Contain, Report newsletter.
Check other MPI requirements
Approved PoFAs (and related facilities) may have to meet other MPI requirements, depending on the type of port and its activities.
Third parties (such as airline services or stevedores) may provide services that contribute to the PoFA meeting these requirements. MPI will recognise the service provider contribution if:
- they are an MPI-approved Transitional Facility
- they provide an MPI-approved service (for example, accredited persons unpacking or supervising the unpacking of air and sea containers)
- they are recognised as managing an area of the PoFA that contributes to the approval of specified craft and cargo type, such as a BCA or a treatment provider
- the service provider arrangements are detailed in the operating manual, including any contractual details
- their requirements are outlined in facility standards, import health standards, and craft risk management standards.
The PoFA operator is still responsible for all undertakings of the PoFA.
While the importer of risk goods or arriving craft is responsible for their biosecurity risk and its management options under the act (treat, reship or destroy), the PoFA is responsible for the arrangements, facilities and systems to manage the biosecurity risks being handled at the PoFA.
Contingencies a PoFA should have include segregation, containment, wrapping and providing adequate space for treatment or managing mobile pests possibly associated with those risk goods and craft approval types, which may impact non import operations of your business.
Find requirements for:
- Imported goods
- Containers and cargo
- Transitional and containment facilities
- Aircraft arriving in New Zealand
- Vessels arriving in New Zealand
Keep an up-to-date operating manual and BCA procedures
PoFA operators must keep an up-to-date operating manual that documents:
- operations
- biosecurity management systems for the craft and cargo type approvals
- how the PoFA meets other requirements including relevant sections of the PoFA Standard [PDF, 301 KB]
You must ensure that your operating manual details all the management of specific risks and the operations of your port, and describes how you meet the applicable requirements of the standard and the Act.
PoFA Standard [PDF, 301 KB]
Section 37 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 – NZ Legislation
You can use the templates to help start a PoFA operating manual if you don’t know how to start.
Note: MPI does not update these templates and they only provide a basic layout suggestion only.
Airport operating manual template [PDF, 244 KB]
Seaport operating manual template [DOC, 61 KB]
A BCA operating procedure is required. It can be part of the operating manual or linked and referenced in it. In some cases, MPI may ask a PoFA operator or a service provider to prepare a separate BCA procedure (for BCA staff who might not have access to the operating manual, or if your BCA has complex passenger systems). Your MPI inspector will provide more information, if required.
Check additional facility arrangements
PoFAs may require additional facilities to support operations (such as inspections, devanning, treatment, holding facilities). These may be provided by the port company or by other organisations (under service provider arrangements). Additional facility arrangements must be listed in the operating manual, regardless of who provides it. PoFAs can't receive craft or cargo types that an additional facility handles if the other facility doesn't meet MPI requirements (for example, cleaning TF no longer approved by MPI).
The PoFA operator is responsible for all undertakings of the PoFA, even if some areas are managed or have arrangements by another company. A PoFA may receive a non-conformance report or infringement from MPI if there is breach in biosecurity management or for where the PoFA has not adequately managed their service providers.
Facility requirements for approved PoFAs
Seaport requirements | Airport requirements |
Transitional facilities for holding uncleared goods | Arrangements for facilities holding uncleared goods (can be within the PoFA) |
Biosecurity refuse facility | Biosecurity refuse facility |
Decontamination facility for containers | Contingency arrangements to decontaminate highly contaminated air containers (can be within the PoFA) |
Treatment facility | Treatment facility |
Note: MPI approves transitional and treatment facilities separately from PoFA approvals.
Transitional and containment facilities for border clearance
Treatment options and providers
Ensure the port has the right approvals
Aircraft and vessels coming to New Zealand must arrive at a PoFA approved for the craft and cargo type. You could be fined if you allow arrivals at a port that:
- hasn't been approved as a PoFA
- has a PoFA approval that doesn't cover the type of craft or cargo entering the port.
Prepare for a regular assessment of your PoFA
MPI regularly assesses PoFA facilities, arrangements, and systems to make sure they are compliant. You will be contacted by your local MPI inspector when your PoFA is due for assessment. To prepare for an assessment:
- update your operating manual
- check all PoFA requirements are being met
- ensure staff training requirements are being met
- send your updated operating manual to your local MPI inspector.
What does the assessment involve?
After receiving your operating manual, the MPI inspector will arrange an assessment. During the assessment, MPI will:
- review the operating manual
- review previous port activity and compliance
- contact you to arrange an on-site assessment (including talking to staff and reviewing documentation)
- follow up on any non-compliance issues found during the assessment
- let you know the outcome of the assessment.
If your PoFA doesn't comply
If the assessment shows your PoFA doesn't comply, or parts of it don't comply (including third parties) the MPI inspector will ask you (and third parties) to fix the problems by a specified date.
Your PoFA approval may be changed, suspended, or revoked if MPI finds:
- ongoing or serious non-compliance
- the PoFA is not managing biosecurity risks
- a breach of the conditions subject to the approval.
This may mean the craft or cargo types that don't comply or cannot be managed effectively may be removed from your certificate of approval.
How often are PoFAs assessed?
PoFAs are fully assessed once a year. Non-compliant PoFAs may be assessed more frequently. MPI may also give direction or notice of non-compliance at any time.
Manage your approvals – change, re-establish, or cancel
You can apply to MPI to change, re-establish, or cancel a PoFA approval by completing the form.
Application for approval under section 37 as a PoFA or application to vary existing PoFA approval [PDF, 230 KB]
Email the form and supporting documentation to standards@mpi.govt.nz
PoFA variation applications take up to 8 weeks to process.
Changing a PoFA approval
Do not make any changes until you receive written approval from MPI.
You must apply for a variation of your PoFA approval to change:
- the types of craft or cargo (passengers and goods) being imported
- the volumes of craft or goods being imported
- facilities, arrangements and systems
- service provider arrangements
- operator details.
To apply for a variation, you'll need to provide MPI with:
- a completed PoFA variation application form countersigned by your local MPI inspector
- supporting documentation including biosecurity management systems that will be included in your updated operating manual.
Changing a biosecurity control area (BCA)
Do not make any changes until you receive written approval from MPI.
To change a BCA (including the operations, location, floor layout or plan), add, or remove a BCA you will need to send MPI:
- reasons for the variation
- a site plan of the proposed BCA (detail of building and location within the PoFA boundary), ideally satellite or drone quality image with a legend and highlighted detailed areas
- PoFA application form countersigned by local MPI inspector for the proposed changes as suitable
- an updated BCA procedure (if required by MPI) or updated details in the operating manual.
Any new BCA, significant alterations to the structure or number of BCAs requires a new BCA agreement between MPI and the PoFA operator.
Re-establishing a PoFA approval
If your PoFA has been suspended or cancelled, you’ll need to re-establish approval.
Apply to re-establish approval by contacting your local MPI inspector for an assessment of the port.
Cancelling a PoFA approval
If you want to cancel your PoFA approval, email your request to standards@mpi.govt.nz
You will no longer be able to receive internationally arriving craft, persons or cargo.
Fees and charges
PoFA operators will be charged for services provided by MPI and other service providers, including applications and assessments.
Find fees and charges for PoFA operators
Applications are fully cost recovered through the cost regulations.
Biosecurity (Costs) Regulations 2010
Check cost recovery for processing international travellers at airports for those applicants establishing or re-establishing a PoFA for airports.
Airports (Cost Recovery for Processing of International Travellers) Act 2014
Who to contact
If you have general questions regarding becoming a PoFA or managing your approvals, email standards@mpi.govt.nz
If you want to arrange a site visit, or review of your operating manual, PoFA operations, or responsibilities, contact your local MPI inspector.