Importing dietary supplements
If you want to import dietary supplements into New Zealand for use in animal food, you may have to apply to MPI for a class determination. A biosecurity risk assessment will need to be completed before the application can be accepted. If a suitable import health standard isn't available, MPI assesses applications on a case-by-case basis.
For more information, email
Legal obligations
Importers must meet legal obligations under the:
- Biosecurity Act 1993
- Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) (Exemptions and Prohibited Substances) Regulations 2011
- Biosecurity (Ruminant Protein) Regulations 1999
- ACVM (Imported Feed Commodities) Notice 2014
- Animal Products Act 1999 (if you intend to re-export).
Who to contact
If you have questions about:
- importing ingredients of animal origin, email
- importing ingredients of plant origin, email
- ACVM requirements for animal food, email