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Importing pork

All food and food-related products for human consumption that are imported for sale must meet New Zealand standards and requirements. MPI's role is to help make sure imported pig meat and products (including pork, consumer-ready packs, and casings) are correctly labelled, safe to eat, and free from pests and harmful organisms.

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I tēnei wāhanga

Legal obligations

'Food' includes ingredients and anything to be mixed or added to food. No food can be sold if it's unsafe, unfit for human consumption, or contaminated. Food importers have legal obligations under the:

  • Biosecurity Act 1993
  • Animal Products Act 1999
  • Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997
  • Food Act 2014 and related legislation
  • Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.

It is your responsibility as an importer to ensure all legal requirements are met. Food importers should regularly check notices issued for food recalled overseas, and developing risks.

Read the latest alerts for importers about food

Importers must also meet other New Zealand food standards, including the Importing Food Notice.

Who to contact

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