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Importing vehicles, machinery, and parts

Te kawe mai i ngā motukā, mīhini me ētahi wāhanga mīhini

Vehicles, machinery, and parts (including tyres) often carry soil, plant matter, and animals. MPI's role is to help importers meet biosecurity requirements to keep New Zealand free from contaminants, pests, and diseases which can threaten our environment.

In this section

I tēnei wāhanga


Response to submissions and Manufacturer’s Declaration template issued – 11 August 2021

The Vehicles, Machinery and Parts Import Health Standard was re-issued on 11 August 2021. The new import requirement changes are:

  • Poland has been added as a Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) risk country where BMSB management measures will apply.
  • Four smaller vehicle types (all-terrain vehicles, golf carts, quad bikes, and side-by-side racers) will no longer be eligible to meet the BMSB management exclusion criteria.
  • Inflatable boats have been clarified as excluded from the Standard.

Response to the submissions received during the consultation period [PDF, 197 KB]

Updated IHS for vehicles, machinery, and parts [PDF, 575 KB]

A new Manufacturer’s Declaration template has been added under forms and templates.  This replaces the 5 individual templates that were available last season.  The new template includes all types of goods that can meet BMSB management exclusion criteria on the one form and can be modified for use as required.  Previous versions of the Manufacturer’s Declaration template will continue to comply with the requirements of the Standard and will be accepted by MPI.

Manufacturer’s Declaration template for applicable vehicles, machinery and parts exported to New Zealand [DOCX, 42 KB]

Biosecurity clearance for Japanese used vehicles – May 2021

Biosecurity New Zealand is changing how non-compliant batches of vehicles imported from Japan and processed by MPI Approved Japan Used Vehicles Systems (UVS) are decontaminated on arrival.  By 30 June 2021, Biosecurity New Zealand will no longer take escalating samples of vehicles of up to 100%.  We will instead take a sample at the port of first arrival to provide assurance that the approved system vehicles meet import requirements. When non-compliance is detected in the sample vehicles this will be removed and the results assessed on a case by case basis to determine if further decontamination or other action is required for the remaining vehicles from that batch.  In the event decontamination is needed, we will authorise the movement of vehicles to pre-approved transitional facilities with suitable decontamination and inspection equipment.

Biosecurity New Zealand has been working closely with industry on the requirements and set up of off-port decontamination facilities which have been progressively coming online from 1 May.  These facilities will remove the requirement for Vessel Controlled Discharge Plans and enable full discharge of Japanese used vehicles from RoRo vessels on arrival in most cases.  Decontamination facilities will clean the remaining vehicles and make these available for further sampling by quarantine officers.  The vehicles will then either be given clearance or undergo further cleaning before being sampled again.

It's important to be aware that some changes to operational practices are needed to make this work. Our fact sheet has more details.

Biosecurity clearance for Japanese used vehicles – fact sheet [PDF, 874 KB]

What this import process is for

This import process is for the following goods arriving in New Zealand as cargo (sea freight or air freight):

  • vehicles (including land vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft)
  • all forms of machinery
  • parts from or for vehicles and machinery
  • tyres
  • wire cables and ropes if used with land vehicles or machinery.

Importing related products

If you are importing vehicles, machinery, or parts in sea containers, read our information on importing sea containers

Who to contact

If you have a question about importing vehicles, machinery, or parts, email

If you have a question about brown marmorated stink bug requirements for vehicles, machinery, and parts, email