Foot and mouth disease in Germany
Advice to importers of animal products to NZ
On 10 January 2025, the European Union confirmed a case of foot and mouth disease in Germany. Find out how this affects imports of animal products to New Zealand.
Find all import health standards and related information. An import health standard (IHS) is a document issued under section 24A of the Biosecurity Act 1993. An IHS states the requirements that must be met before risk goods can be imported into New Zealand.
On 10 January 2025, the European Union confirmed a case of foot and mouth disease in Germany. Find out how this affects imports of animal products to New Zealand.
During the transition to a new import health standard (IHS), the standards being revoked will be listed as related documents of the new IHS. You can search for any IHS using its short code, but if it's an IHS about to be revoked it will appear as a related document under the new IHS. Click on the '+' sign to see related documents (all document boxes expand to show more information).
If you can't find the IHS for your commodity, email
MPI has produced guidance documents to help you meet the requirements of import health standards. While you do not have to comply with the guidance, MPI considers the guidance best practice. Where available, these are listed with the related standard. Each document box expands to reveal extra information, including links to related documents like guidance. Choose the '+' sign to expand a box.
The import health standards are listed alphabetically by commodity. Use the filter below to help your search.
Note, each document box expands to reveal extra information, including links to related documents like guidance. Choose the '+' sign (to the right of the document title) to expand a box.
keywords: 152-07-01i, Clearance, Airport, flight, quarantine, containers, air, freight
keywords: meaallic.usa
keywords: camaniic.gen, camelids, lamoids, ruminants
keywords: anifibre.all, alpaca, apparel, artifacts, boas, brushtail, camel, camelid, cashmere, cultural items, decorations, doona, dream catchers, dreamcatchers, duvets, feathers, fibers, fibres, fishing flies, fur, goat, handicrafts, hair, hats, head dresses, kangaroo, lamb, lambswool, macropod, mats, mohair, pelts, pillows, quilts, rabbit, sheep, shuttle cocks, skins, sleeping bags, sleeping-bags, sliver, tops, wallaby, wool, woolpack, yak, fibunpic.all, fibsucic.all, fibscoic.all, fibcmwic.prc, fibtopic.ger, fibwooic.prc, fibfleic.all, hidmacic.aus, fibposic.aus, fibrabic.all, fibsraic.all,, feacfoic.all, fibwpkic.all, fibnzoic.all
keywords: thirdcop.gen
7 March 2022: Guidance Document updated
keywords: antaquic.all, aquatic animals, live, Pagothenia borchgrevinki,Trematomus bernacchii, hansoni, centronotus, nicolai, newnsi, Dissostichus mawsoni, Gymnodraco acuticeps, Chionodraco hamatus, Cryodraco antarcticus
keywords: Aquatic animal imports, crustacea, prawn, fish, mollusc, aquaprod, aquaprod.gen, salmon, echinoderms, abalone, tunicate, fish oil, fishmeal, fish meal, jellyfish, cnidaria. tuna, seafood, bait; fish food
keywords: avocado-au, avocados, avocadoes
keywords: avocado-to, avocados, avocadoes
keywords: bamboo-rattan, wood products, withies, forestry, twig, tree
keywords: banana-au
keywords: bark, chips, Cork, Pine, Eucalyptus, tree
keywords: bioprodic.all, samples, animal products, calf serum; albumin; invertebrates; foetal bovine serum; antiserum; faecal matter; parasite; nucleic acid; RNA; DNA; slides; animal tissue; culture media; specimens; specimen; bovine fetal serum; bovine foetal serum; Bovine serum; antibiotics; antibiotic; amino acid; Agricultural Compounds (AC); veterinary medicine; surgical; implants; test kits; sutures; suture; catgut; non-viable products; medicines; scientific research; sample; Agricultural Compounds; veterinary medicines; ACVM; biological; parasites; Biological products; biologic.all
keywords: breadfruit-fj
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