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Establishing cost recovery regulations to support the Food Act 2014
Extending the Dietary Supplements Regulations - RIS
Extension of the Pro-Competition provisions of the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act 2001 - Regulatory Impact Statement
Fisheries Amendment Bill: Strengthening Fishing Rules and Policies Regulatory Impact Statement – Regulatory Impact Statement
Fonterra’s milk price setting, capital restructure and share valuation - Regulatory Impact Statement
Food Safety Law Reform Bill: additional policy proposals - Regulatory impact statement
Food Safety Law Reform Bill: policy proposals - Regulatory Impact Statement
Forests Act Amendment Bill 2010 - Regulatory Impact Statement
Fortification of Bread with Folic Acid - Regulatory Impact Statement
Game Industry Board Regulations 1985 Regulatory Impact And Business Compliance Costs Statement Amendments
Government Industry Agreements - Regulatory Impact Statement
Government Response to the Ministerial Enquiry on Foreign Charter Vessels - Regulatory Impact Statement
Impact Summary: Amendments to the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Exemptions and Prohibited Substances) Regulations 2011 [ACVM Regulations]
Impact Summary: Review of Recreational Regulations in PAU 3 (Canterbury) and PAU 7 (Marlborough)
Implementing the Border Clearance Levy - Regulatory Impact Statement
Implementing the Border Clearance Levy: Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement