The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has today announced the schedule for public drop-in sessions regarding MPI's proposals for fisheries in the Kaikōura / Cape Campbell region.
MPI is currently consulting on its proposal for a longer-term closure of earthquake-affected fisheries under section 11 of the Fisheries Act 1996. The proposed closure would only apply to shellfish (excluding rock lobster and scampi) and seaweeds, and would replace the existing emergency closure in the earthquake-affected area.
The existing emergency closure will expire in November. The proposed section 11 closure would take effect when the emergency closure expires, and would remain in place until research and monitoring indicates that sufficient recovery has occurred for a partial or full opening of the area.
In addition to the continued temporary closure proposed for the Kaikōura/Cape Campbell region, MPI is also proposing management changes for the wider PAU 3 and the PAU 7 pāua fisheries that span the earthquake-affected area:
- PAU 3 (from Clarence Point, north of Kaikōura, south to the Waitaki River, South Canterbury); and
- PAU 7 (from Clarence Point north around the top of the South Island and down to Kahurangi Point on the West Coast of the South Island).
For PAU 3, MPI is proposing to set a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the first time, decrease the Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) and to set allowances for Māori customary, recreational, and all other mortality caused by fishing.
For PAU 7, MPI is proposing to decrease the TAC and TACC, including a decrease to the recreational allowance. No changes are proposed to the non-commercial allowances for Māori customary and all other mortality caused by fishing for PAU 7.
In both areas the size and scope of the proposed reductions are directly related to the estimates of pāua that are no longer available to fish, either due to mortality or being in the closed area.
MPI has worked with tangata whenua, recreational and commercial fishers to develop these proposals and will continue to work with the fishing community to develop long-term management options for the fishery.
The consultation will close on 7 July at 5pm.
Details of public drop-in sessions
Tuesday 20 June, 5pm – 8pm
Sacred Heart Parish Hall
30 Ludstone Rd.
Wednesday 21 June, 5pm –8pm
Ward / Flaxbourne Town Hall
61 Ward St.
Thursday 22 June, 5pm – 8pm
Clubs of Marlborough
Ground Floor Board Room
42 Alfred St.