Situation and outlook for primary industries (SOPI) data
Get historical and forecast export volumes, prices, and revenue for the primary industries – the data we use in our quarterly SOPI reports.
Download SOPI data [XLSX, 60 KB]
Actual and provisional data is sourced from StatsNZ. Forecast data is from MPI's Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU).
Monthly livestock slaughter statistics for sheep, cattle, goats, horses and pigs at a national level.
Data is updated on the 25th of every month or the next working day. There is a 1-month lag between the data being processed and when it is published online, and the statistics are provisional for 3 months.
As of 1 August 2016, cattle slaughter numbers and weights are disaggregated according to whether they come from dairy farms or beef farms. This results from the change in the TB levy system.
No horses have been slaughtered for human consumption since October 2016.
- Livestock slaughter statistics for sheep, cattle, goats, horses and pigs – February 2025 [XLSX, 322 KB]
- Historical time series data for livestock slaughter – Stats NZ website
Forestry data
New Zealand's forests
Data sets of land used for forestry, yield, log types, and deforestation area.
Wood processing
Data sets providing production and stock information of forestry products and an estimate of roundwood removals from New Zealand forests.
Wood product markets
Data sets showing the volume and value of forestry imports and exports, and indicative radiata pine log prices.
Data on other websites
Agriculture production statistics
Find statistics on:
- animal farming, including sheep, beef and dairy cattle, and deer
- crop growing, including grain and seed crops, fruit and vegetables, wine grapes and nursery plants
- forestry and farm practices, including irrigation and fertiliser use.
Data is from a census of all farmers and foresters every 5 years, and sample surveys for the years in between. The programme is fully-funded by MPI and administered by StatsNZ. Provisional results are released by Stats NZ in mid-December each year and final results in mid-May the following year.
- Latest agriculture production statistics – Stats NZ website
- Historical agricultural production statistics – Stats NZ website
- Results are also available through Infoshare – Stats NZ website
Horticulture statistics
Horticulture New Zealand and Plant & Food Research produce an annual publication with facts and statistics about horticultural production and exports.
Stats NZ data tools
Use free web tools to examine historic data sets kept on Stats NZ's website, including: