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Tail fan necrosis in New Zealand red rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii – Technical paper
Fisheries New Zealand review of sustainability measures: Overview of legislative requirements and other considerations in relation to sustainability measures
Emissions Trading Scheme for Forestry land statistics
Proposals to strengthen regulatory oversight of inhibitors used in agriculture
Proposed Changes to Sensory Evaluation of New Zealand Grape Wine for Export
Subtidal changes and recovery along the Kaikoura coast
Rocky reef impacts of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake extended monitoring of nearshore habitats and communities to 3.5 years
Recovery of juvenile pāua along the Kaikoura coastline
Paua population monitoring following the November 2016 Kaikoura earthquakes
New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report - Paua abundance trends and population monitoring in areas affected by the November 2016 Kaikoura earthquake
Paua abundance trends and population monitoring areas affected by the November 2016 Kaikoura earthquake
Technical working group nominations poster
Summary of PAU3 Commercial management measures
In-field survey of sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) residues in trout following an aerial baiting operation – Technical paper
Release of consultation documents: proposed updates to animal products and wine cost recovery – Cabinet paper
Taking Kai Home from School – Flyer