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We need you to handle antimicrobials with care (farm animals)
We need you to handle antimicrobials with care (dog)
Annual report concerning foodborne disease in New Zealand 2019
Risk Management Proposal: Partial review of Malus import requirements in the Importation of Nursery Stock Import Health Standard (155.02.06)
Food Act 2014 - Workshop presentation
Toolkit posters add-on pack: Let us know if you have food allergy
Kill bugs toolkit posters standard pack
Background on the New Zealand Front of Pack Labelling Advisory Group (FOPL)
New Zealand Front of pack labelling Advisory Group
Homekill for recreational catch service providers - the basics
Homekill for animal owners - The basics
Proposed temporary closure of Waimarama, Hawkes Bay, to the harvest of blackfoot pāua
FAR 2020/36 Recruitment of freshwater eels, 1995–2018.
FAR 2020/35 Investigation of potential CPUE model improvements for the primary index of Southern Bluefin Tuna abundance.
FAR 2020/34 Developing a stock assessment for New Zealand bluenose
FAR 2020/33 Bluenose fisheries around New Zealand