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FAR 2023/62 Pāua harvest estimates by land-based amateur fishers—Kaikōura Marine Area in 2023
FAR 2023/61 Stock assessment of trevally (Pseudocaranx georgianus) for TRE 1 to 2021/22
Biosecurity Information and Infringement Regulations – Minute (LEG-23-MIN-0193)
Biosecurity (Information for Incoming Passengers) Regulations 2023 and Biosecurity (Infringement Offences) Amendment Regulations 2023 – Cabinet paper
AEBR 323 Habitat use and the impact of multiple stressors on blue cod populations in Canterbury and the Marlborough Sounds
FAR 2023/60 Biomass survey and condition index for kina (Evechinus chloroticus) in SUR 7A
Implementation of the Fisheries Amendment Act: Disposal of Unwanted Fish – Minute (DEV-23-MIN-0114)
Proposed regulations supporting implementation of the Fisheries Amendment Act: disposal of unwanted fish – Cabinet paper
Implementation of the Fisheries Amendment Act – Proposed Regulations for Infringements for Low-Level Discard and retention Offences – Minute (DEV-23-MIN-0114)
Implementation of the Fisheries Amendment Act – Proposed Regulations for Infringements for Low-Level Discard and retention Offences – Cabinet paper
Minute of decision (LEG-23-MIN-0153)
New Zealand Export Authority (Fees and Levies) Amendment Regulations 2023 - Cabinet paper
Minute of decision (DEV-23-MIN-0082)
Proposed Amendments to the New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority (Fees and Levies) Regulations 2017 - Cabinet paper
June 2023 to August 2023 - N-Vision NZ progress report
July to September 2023 - Leaf Protein Research and Development Programme progress report