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FAR 2023/59 Further development of models for arrow squid in New Zealand waters
Releasing the Final Mahere Takahuritanga Ahumahi Hao Ika – Fisheries Industry Transformation Plan – Minute (DEV-23-MIN-0158 )
Releasing the Final Mahere Takahuritanga Ahumahi Hao Ika Fisheries Industry Transformation Plan – Cabinet paper
Permission to consult on Proposed Order in Council under the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Legislation Act 2023: Change to forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme – Minute (EWR-23-MIN-0053)
Permission to consult on Proposed Order in Council under the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Legislation Act 2023: Change to forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme – Cabinet paper
FAR 2023/58 The 2022 stock assessment for scampi (Metanephrops challengeri) in the Bay of Plenty (SCI 1) and Hawke Bay-Wairarapa (SCI 2) 1990–2022
New Zealand Food Safety 2024 NZTDS Consultation paper
NZ Sheep of the Future progress report – July to September 2023
FAR 2023/57 Climate impacts on fished populations. Part 2: Effects of climate and environmental variability on fishery stock assessment accuracy
FAR 2023/56 Climate impacts on fished populations. Part 1: Simulating bottom-up, physiological, and fishery-induced changes in production potential
Revitalising the Gulf: Final Policy Decisions – Minute (CAB-22-MIN-0599.02)
Revitalising the Gulf – progressing marine protection and the Fisheries Plan – Cabinet paper
National rock lobster management group – Minutes from 13 April 2023
National rock lobster management group – Minutes from 31 August 2023
Report on the Bonamia ostreae Autumn 2023 Surveillance
Cyclone Gabrielle: Support for Sediment and Debris Removal – Minute (EWR-23-MIN-0026)