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Cyclone Gabrielle – Support for sediment and debris removal – Cabinet paper
National rock lobster management group Minutes from 29 June 2023
National rock lobster management group Minutes from 13 February 2023
Draft Official Assurance Requirements for Live Animals and Germplasm
Proposed Changes to Dairy Export Quota Allocation – Minute (CBC-23-MIN-0019)
Proposed Changes to Dairy Export Quota Allocation – Cabinet paper
NZ Pinus radiata and native forestry nurseries supply chain description
Pilot trial for large-scale management of Undaria pinnatifida in the Fiordland Marine Area
Updates to Cost Recovery Settings for Animal Products – Minute (LEG-23-MIN-0158)
Updates to cost recovery settings for animal products – Cabinet paper
Potential pathways for redeveloping Overseer to aid in the improvement of freshwater
Organic Products and Production Act: Organic Standards Regulations – Minute (DEV-23-MIN-0196)
Organic Products and Production Act: Organic Standards Regulations – Cabinet paper
Fisheries and Conservation Services Levy Orders 2023/24 – Minute (LEG-23-MIN-0162)
Report of the Cabinet Legislation Committee: Period Ended 25 August 2023 – Minute (CAB-23-MIN-0406)
Fisheries and Conservation Services Levy Orders 2023/24 – Cabinet paper