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Marine farm application in the Cook Strait – background information
FAR 2023/55 A review of the Foveaux Strait oyster (OYU 5) stock assessment model and recommendations for future development
FAR 2023/54 Drivers of long-term change in the Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis) fishery (OYU 5)
Draft Food Notice: Requirements for Registered Food Importers and Imported for Sale
Commodity Levies (Rock Lobster) Order 2023 – Cabinet paper
Commodity Levies (Rock Lobster) Order 2023 – (LEG-23-MIN-0084)
Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Antibiotic Classification System
Agile, Adaptive Water Allocation Policy
Protect your farm from disease
2022/23 Annual Report
2022 Antibiotic Agricultural Compound Sales Analysis
What Steps can Small Forest Owners Take to Improve Their Operational Efficiencies
Support available for farmers
Getting ready for Calf Club 2023
2023 Marlborough vineyard monitoring report data
2023 Marlborough vineyard monitoring report