- Accredited persons training providers
- ACVM listed data assessors
- ACVM manufacturers of veterinary medicines and/or vertebrate toxic agents
- ACVM maximum residue levels (MRLs)
- ACVM registered veterinary medicines, agricultural chemicals and vertebrate toxic agents
- ACVM restricted veterinary medicine sellers
- Animal exports AsureQuality (AQ) recognised persons [PDF, 164 KB]
- Animal exports: recognised agencies, authorised, and recognised persons
- Animal material depots
- Animal products country listing – including Dairy
- Animal products recognised agencies – including dairy
- Animal products recognised people: Evaluators
- Animal products recognised people: Verifiers
- Animal products risk management programmes (RMPs) - including Dairy
- Apiaries approved to export live bees to the European Union
- Apples to Australia: Coolstores
- Apples to Australia: Exporters
- Apples to Australia: Grower production sites
- Apples to Australia: Packhouses
- Apples to China: Coolstores
- Apples to China: Exporters
- Apples to China: Packhouses
- Apples to China: Production sites
- Apples to Japan: Coolstores
- Apples to Japan: Exporters
- Apples to Japan: Packhouses
- Apples to Japan: Production sites
- Apples to Japan: Treatment operators
- Apples to the Russian Federation: Eligible production sites
- Apples to the Russian Federation: Coolstores
- Apples to the Russian Federation: Exporters
- Apples to the Russian Federation: Packhouses
- Apples to Taiwan: Coolstores
- Apples to Taiwan: Exporters
- Apples to Taiwan: Packhouses
- Apples to Taiwan: Production sites
- Apples to Thailand: Packhouses
- Apples to Thailand: Production sites
- Approved Fish Names
- Approved manufacturers of official devices
- Apricots to Thailand: Packhouses
- Apricots to Thailand: Production sites
- Australian regulated pest list for NZ horticultural fresh produce [XLSX, 65 KB]
- Authorised persons designated to sign MPI dairy export certificates
- Authorised persons designated to sign MPI organic animal product export certificates
- Avocados: compliant high pressure water washers for exports to China and Australia
- Avocados to China packhouses
- Avocados to China production sites
- Avocados to China exporters
- Avocados to Thailand – packhouses
- Avocados to Thailand – production sites
- Ballast water treatment systems
- Beekeeper Listing
- Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) depot operators
- Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) growing areas classified for harvest for human consumption [PDF, 142 KB]
- Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) harvest operators
- Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) regulated control scheme list of certified samplers [PDF, 383 KB]
- Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) sorting sheds
- Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) transport operators
- Border clearance offices
- Capsicums to Thailand: Packhouses
- Capsicums to Thailand: Production sites
- Cherries to Thailand: Packhouses
- Cherries to Thailand: Production sites
- Commodity pest list for USDA pre-cleared pipfruit [PDF, 254 KB]
- Consultants - Animal Products Act including risk management programmes (RMP)
- Consultants - food control plans under the Food Act and food labelling
- Consultants - registrations under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Act
- Container check
- Country freedom status
- Cut flowers and foliage: Indoor growers
- Cut flowers and foliage: Outdoor growers, packhouses, exporters, and freight forwarders
- Dairy maintenance compounds approved and recognised
- Dairy products descriptions and qualifiers [XLS, 285 KB]
- Dairy: Specialists and Farm Dairy Assessors
- Dairy: Raw milk Regulated Control Scheme (RCS): Depot operator
- Dairy: Raw milk Regulated Control Scheme (RCS): Farm dairy operator
- Dairy - Unique Location Identifiers (ULIs)
- Disinfectants approved for transitional facilities for uncleared goods [PDF, 360 KB]
- Evaluators of treatment suppliers
- Exempt winemakers
- Export approved premises
- Exporters register: Animal products, including dairy
- Fishing vessels (limited processing)
- Fishing vessels (other than processing or freezer vessels) supplying European Union and United Kingdom listed processing premises
- Food Act 2014: Exempt Businesses [PDF, 262 KB]
- Food Act 2014: Recognised Agencies
- Food Act 2014: Recognised classes of person
- Food Act 2014: Register of Food Control Plans and Businesses Subject to a National Programme
- Food Act 2014: Registered food importers
- Food Act 2014: Recognised Persons
- Food industry associations
- Fruit and vegetable approved processed commodities [PDF, 155 KB]
- Fruit Fly OAP registered MPI approved organisations (MAOs)
- Further (pet food) processors
- Game estates
- Grade programme participants
- MPI-approved halal certification bodies [PDF, 198 KB]
- Halal premises (non-dairy animal products)
- Halal premises (dairy products)
- Hazard database
- Herd testing: Certification bodies and certified testers
- Homekill and recreational catch service providers
- Imported Live Animals List
- International Seed Testing Association approved production plants for large seed lots of Poaceae (grasses)
- Indonesia: Country Recognition Agreement (CRA) Commodity List [PDF, 241 KB]
- Kiwiberry to China: Packhouse
- Kiwiberry to China: Production sites
- Kiwifruit to China: Packhouses
- Kiwifruit to China: Production sites
- Kiwifruit to Thailand: Packhouses
- Kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta) to Thailand: Packhouses
- Kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta) to Thailand: Production sites
- National Microbiological Database (NMD) – Level 1 Samplers
- National Microbiological Database (NMD) – Level 2 Samplers
- Maintenance compounds (non-dairy): Disinfectants acceptable for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) responses
- Maintenance compounds (non-dairy) register
- MPI register of alternative premises and equipment designs for farm dairies [XLS, 68 KB]
- MPI authorised Multi-site Transitional Facility (MTF) System providers
- Notifiable organisms [PDF, 423 KB]
- Nursery stock and seed requiring level 3 post-entry quarantine (PEQ) [PDF, 61 KB]
- Official New Zealand Pest Register (ONZPR)
- Offshore quarantine facilities
- Onion exports registered growers: AsureQuality
- Onion exports registered growers: SGS 2023–24
- Onion exports registered growers: SGS 2024–25
- Onions to Indonesia – packhouses
- Onions to Indonesia – production sites
- Organic exporters
- Organics recognised agencies
- Packhouses for exports to Thailand
- Persimmons to China: Production sites, packhouses, coolstores and cold treatment providers
- Persimmons to Thailand: Production sites
- Persimmons to USA
- Pest identification service suppliers [PDF, 418 KB]
- Pest Identification Workshops
- Pesticide laboratories for plant products
- Pesticide maximum residue limits (MRLs)
- Pests and diseases list
- Pet exporters
- Pipfruit register of USDA approved exporters
- Pipfruit to the USA USDA facilities
- Places of first arrival: Airports
- Places of first arrival: Seaports
- Plant biosecurity index (PBI)
- Plant export approved organisations (MAO) [PDF, 589 KB]
- Plant exports authorised independent verification agencies
- Plant Pest Information Network (PPIN)
- Plant quarantine facilities
- Post-registration risk management label change summary
- Potato exporters and their subagents 2020 - 2021
- Potato exporters and their subagents 2021 - 2022
- Potato exporters and their subagents 2022 - 2023
- Potato exporters and their subagents 2023 - 2024
- Potato exporters and their subagents 2024 - 2025
- Potato growers: AsureQuality
- Potato (OAP) organisations approved for phytosanitary inspection: AsureQuality
- Potato (OAP) organisations approved for phytosanitary inspection: SGS
- Potato packing and/or storage facilities: AsureQuality
- Potato packing and/or storage facilities: SGS
- Potato – registered growers – SGS 2022–23
- Potato – registered growers – SGS 2023–24
- Potato – registered growers – SGS 2024-25
- Poultry to Thailand: approved hatcheries and source flocks [PDF, 221 KB]
- Production & handling site identification number (PHSIN)
- Production sites for exports to Thailand
- Quarantine facilities for cats and dogs
- Quota compliance programmes
- Recognised Laboratory Programme (RLP) Laboratories
- Secure pathway from Arhopalus ferus OAP participants
- Semen centres: European Union [PDF, 96 KB]
- Squash to Viet Nam: production sites
- Strawberries to Thailand: Packhouses
- Strawberries to Thailand: Production sites
- Summerfruit packhouses and exporters for Korea, Japan and Western Australia
- Summerfruit production sites for Japan and Western Australia
- Tomato (loose) to Australia: Production site
- Tomatoes to Thailand: Packhouses
- Tomatoes to Thailand: Production sites
- Transitional facilities [PDF, 2.3 MB]
- Transitional facility operator training providers
- Transport and vehicle docking facility operators: regulated control scheme
- Treatment suppliers [PDF, 223 KB]
- Tree ferns to the United Kingdom: register of exporters
- Unwanted organisms register
- Vehicle clearance/inspection
- Veterinary authorised/authorised persons designated to sign MPI fish export certificates
- Veterinary authorised/authorised persons designated to sign MPI live animal exports & germplasm certificates
- Veterinary authorised/authorised persons designated to sign MPI meat export certificates
- Veterinary authorised persons designated to sign MPI dairy export certificates
- Veterinary practices approved for certification of dogs and cats to Australia
- Wild/game estate animals: Certified suppliers
- Wine exporters
- Wine: Laboratories for export wine analysis
- Wine recognised agencies
- Wine recognised people: verifiers
- Wine standards management plans
For individuals
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