The purpose of a Risk Profile is to provide contextual and background information relevant to a food/hazard combination so that risk managers can make decisions and, if necessary, take further action. The place of a risk profile in the risk management process is described in “Food Administration in New Zealand: A Risk Management Framework for Food Safety” (Ministry of Health/Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2000). Figure 1 outlines the risk management process.
Uncooked comminuted fermented meat research
The purpose of a Risk Profile is to provide contextual and background information relevant to a food/hazard combination so that risk managers can make decisions and, if necessary, take further action. Risk Profiles include elements of a qualitative risk assessment, as well as providing information relevant to risk management. Risk profiling may result in a range of activities e.g. immediate risk management action, a decision to conduct a quantitative risk assessment, or a programme to gather more data. Risk Profiles also provide information for ranking of food safety issues.
Validation of the E. coli O157 GDS method for analysis of UCFM and cooked meat samples
This report describes the results of a microbiological survey to determine compliance with E. coli, Salmonella, and CPS microbiological limits as specified in the Food Standards Code.