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AEBR 128 Continuous Plankton Recorder sampling between New Zealand and the Ross Sea
AEBR 127 Ecosystem and Environmental Indicators for Deepwater Fisheries
AEBR 126 Assessing the potential of multibeam echosounder data for predicting benthic invertebrate assemblages
AEBR 125 Habitats and areas of particular significance for coastal finfish fisheries management in New Zealand: A review of concepts and life history knowledge, and suggestions for future research
AEBR 124 History of, and trends in, the commercial landings of finfish from the Hauraki Gulf, 1850−2006
AEBR 123S Abundance and distribution of ECSI Hector’s dolphin – Supplementary material
AEBR 123 Abundance and distribution of ECSI Hector’s dolphin
AEBR 122 Analysis of New Zealand’s Trawl Grounds for Key Middle depths and Deepwater Tier 1 Fisheries
AEBR 121 Environmental preferences of seabirds and spatial distribution of seabirds and marine mammals in the Ross Sea area
AEBR 120 Developing predictive models for the distribution of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
AEBR 119 New Zealand marine mammals and commercial fisheries
AEBR 118 Bottom disturbance and seafloor community dynamics: Development of a model of disturbance and recovery dynamics for marine benthic ecosystems
AEBR 117 The potential impact of ocean acidification on deep-sea corals and fisheries habitat in New Zealand waters
AEBR 116 Evaluation of the diets of highly migratory species in New Zealand waters
AEBR 115 Biodiversity of macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages of the Balleny Islands seamounts
AEBR 114 Review of factors affecting the abundance of toheroa (Paphies ventricosa)