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AEBR 113 Fish and invertebrate bycatch in New Zealand deepwater fisheries from 1990–91 until 2010–11
AEBR 112 Fish and invertebrate bycatch and discards in New Zealand arrow squid fisheries from 1990–91 until 2010–11
AEBR 111 Monitoring change in benthic communities in Spirits Bay
AEBR 110 Monitoring New Zealand's trawl footprint for deepwater fisheries: 1989-90 to 2009-10
AEBR 109S Risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabird populations. Supplementary information
AEBR 109 Risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabird populations
AEBR 108 Application of Potential Biological Removal methods to seabird populations
AEBR 107 Review of anthropogenic impacts other than fishing on cartilaginous fishes
AEBR 106 An initial development of spatially explicit population models of benthic impacts to inform Ecological Risk Assessments in New Zealand deepwater fisheries
AEBR 105 Marine mammal bycatch in New Zealand trawl fisheries, 1995–96 to 2010–11
AEBR 104 Fisheries Risks to the Population Viability of White-capped Albatross Thalassarche steadi
AEBR 103 Productivity of two species of deepwater sharks, Deania calcea and Centrophorus squamosus in New Zealand
AEBR 102 Review of research and monitoring studies on New Zealand sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras, 2008−2012
AEBR 101 Biodiversity of macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages of the northwestern Ross Sea shelf
AEBR 100 Fish and invertebrate bycatch and discards in New Zealand scampi fisheries from 1990–91 until 2009–10
AEBR 099 Rhodolith Beds in Northern New Zealand: Characterisation of Associated Biodiversity and Vulnerability to Environmental Stressors