The evolution of plant protein – assessing consumer response
The Ministry for Primary Industries and Plant & Food Research jointly commissioned this report.
We released it on 1 June 2018. The report:
- assesses consumer responses to protein from plants
- highlights the potential long-term impacts to New Zealand's food production.
Reasons for the research
New Zealand’s social, environmental, and economic well-being is linked to our ability to supply the rest of the world with protein. Animal-based protein is already a large export earner for New Zealand. Sales revenue alone accounts for 60% of our total primary exports. This demand will grow with the global population set to increase to 8.1 billion by 2025.
The report is a chance for New Zealand to look at new ways to continue to meet protein demands.
Download the report [PDF, 29 MB]
Supplementary protein reports
Three additional market insight reports on alternative proteins are also available.
- Impossible burger case study [PDF, 19 MB]
- Protein: A Chinese perspective [PDF, 5.1 MB]
- Opportunities in plant-based foods - proteins [PDF, 1.1 MB]