Types of vets involved in animal exports
Three types of veterinarians are involved in animal exports:
- New Zealand-registered vets – they can prepare an animal for export and give them the treatment they need
- an MPI listed veterinary practice that employs a New Zealand registered veterinarian who can sign and issue export certificates but only for cats and dogs going to Australia
- vets employed by MPI – they are called 'official vets'.
Official vets:
- make sure all live animals meet export and animal welfare requirements
- issue export certificates
- issue animal welfare export certificates
- work close to the areas where animals leave New Zealand, like ports and airports.
Export processes
Pet owners or pet exporters follow a process, depending on the type of animal and where it's going. The process for cats and dogs going to Australia has been made easier because New Zealand has an agreement with Australia. The agreement allows for an MPI listed veterinary practice to issue the export certificate and no animal welfare export certificate is needed.
This web page is for vets wanting information about:
- Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMARs)
- MPI official veterinarian certification
- Ordering the rabies vaccine
- Ordering imidocarb dipropionate
- Information regarding blood tests for export
- Raising concerns about an animal's fitness for travel
- Approved parasite products for Australia
Check the latest OMAR requirements
When you're preparing a pet for export, make sure you read the latest Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMARs). We update them often and requirements can change. Requirements differ depending on the destination country and species of animal.
Ordering the rabies vaccine
Vets can order the rabies vaccine by completing the form. Send the completed form to AsureQuality, which will process and dispatch your order.
Rabies vaccine order form [PDF, 73 KB]
MPI official veterinarian certification for cats and dogs to Australia
Veterinary treatment certificate for dogs and cats to support official MPI export certification (including cats and dogs to Australia) [DOCX, 248 KB]
Owner / Vet supporting declaration form for MPI pet official export certification and AWECs including pets to Australia [PDF, 152 KB]
Ordering imidocarb dipropionate
Vets can order imidocarb dipropionate by completing the form. Send the completed form to AsureQuality, which will process and dispatch your order.
Imidocarb dipropionate order form [PDF, 86 KB]
Information regarding blood tests for export
You can send blood samples to:
MPI Animal Health Laboratory testing and pricing for dogs and cats [PDF, 210 KB]
Concerns about fitness for travel?
Our official vets can provide guidance if you have any concerns about a cat or dog's fitness for travel.
- Call the official vets' main office in Auckland on 09 909 2706
- Email: mqsakav@mpi.govt.nz
Approved parasite products for Australia
Parasite treatment must be effective against internal (effective against nematodes and cestodes) and external parasites (that kills ticks and fleas on contact) using drugs registered for that purpose in New Zealand. As a general rule, oral external parasite treatments do not meet Australian import conditions and should not be relied on for exporting dogs and cats to Australia.
The Australian Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Forestry website includes a table of acceptable parasite treatments for use in preparing dogs and cats for export to Australia. The list is not exhaustive. But if you want to use an unlisted product, contact the department first to check that it will be appropriate.
Acceptable parasite treatments
Cats and Dogs to Australia OMAR
MPI listed veterinary practices can sign and issue export certificates for cats and dogs travelling to Australia. All certification must follow the MPI cats and dogs to Australia OMAR. The OMAR contains all the requirements that vets and their practices have to meet to be approved to issue export certificates. AsureQuality Limited is the current service provider for cats and dogs to Australia.
Cats and dogs to Australia OMAR [PDF, 484 KB]
Always peer review the certificate before issuing
When you have completed a certificate, we encourage you to get it peer reviewed before issuing to the client. This is a useful technique that can often highlight errors at an early stage of the export process. Use our export certificate worksheet for cat and dog exports – it will help you complete an export certificate accurately.
Updates and clarifications to the cats and dogs to Australia system [PDF, 81 KB]
Completing the online training module
Private veterinarians at a listed veterinary practice must complete an online training module to ensure they’re competent to issue export certificates for cats and dogs travelling to Australia.
The online training is done using AsureQuality’s training portal. It is usually completed before the listed veterinary practices audit or before a new veterinarian undertakes certification.
When completing the online training module, vets should be familiar with:
- the Cats and Dogs to Australia OMAR and associated guidance document
- any clarifications issued
- the export certificates
- The Owner Statutory Declaration form.
Online training module guide [PDF, 535 KB]
Log in to veterinary online assessment – AsureQuality
Who to contact
If you're an approved veterinarians with questions, or have questions on behalf of one, contact AsureQuality on 0508 00 11 22.
If you're an exporter or an owner and have questions about the information on this page, email animalexports@mpi.govt.nz