UPDATE: 29 June 2016
In November 2015 MPI consulted on proposed changes to the National Microbiological Database(NMD) specifications.
MPI is conducting a further consultation as a result of this.
Your views sought
From 10 November 2015 to 4 December 2015 the Ministry for Primary industries (MPI) invites comments on proposed changes to the National Microbiological Database (NMD) specifications.
The NMD programme for red meat and poultry primary processing defines specific protocols, including training of samplers, collection of samples, laboratory procedures and review and response to results by operators. The routine data gathering from this sampling programme enables operators to ensure their processing meets microbiological targets to ensure safe food production.
Consultation documents
- Proposed Changes to the National Microbiological Database (NMD) Notice [PDF, 725 KB]
- Discussion Paper: Options to include all chickens in the poultry NMD programme [PDF, 184 KB]
- Discussion Paper: Options for Verifying Salmonella Control in Broiler Chickens under the Animal Products Act 1999 [PDF, 345 KB]
- Discussion Paper: Options to determine the current status of Campylobacter and Salmonella in turkey and duck carcasses at the end of primary processing [PDF, 149 KB]
- Analysis of Submissions: Discussion Paper: Review of the Poultry NMD Programme’s Campylobacter Performance Target (CPT) Limits [PDF, 674 KB]
- Draft Campylobacter Checklist / Action Plan [PDF, 297 KB]
What's being proposed
The proposed changes MPI is seeking your feedback on, are summarised in Proposed Changes to the National Microbiological Database (NMD) Notice. The intention of the proposals is to standardise and extend the sampling programme to include:
- all processors of red meat – bobby calf, adult beef, deer, goats, pigs, sheep and lamb, ostrich and emu
- poultry – chickens including smaller more specialised types, end-of-lay and breeders, ducks and turkeys.
In addition to this, the microbiological performance targets for red meat have been updated to facilitate improved process control. For poultry, a new quarterly performance target is being proposed.
After consultation
The intention is for the Notice to be finalised after consultation and issued on 4 January 2016 at the beginning of the NMD first quarter 2016, with some interim provisions until 4 April 2016 for those participating for the first time, or for those where new sampling criteria are specified in the NMD sampling programme.
Making your submission
Submissions on the proposed changes to the NMD can be made by email to nmd@mpi.govt.nz
Make sure you include in your submission:
- 'NMD proposed changes' in the subject line of your email
- your organisation's name (if you are submitting on behalf of an organisation)
- your contact details (for example, phone number, address and email).
Information can be submitted by post, but must be posted in time so that it arrives at MPI no later than 5pm on 4 December 2015.
The mailing address is:
NMD proposed changes
Chemical and Microbiological Assurance
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Submissions are public information
Any submission you make becomes public information. Anyone can ask for copies of all submissions under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA says we must make the information available, unless we have a good reason for withholding it. You can find those grounds in sections 6 and 9 of the OIA. Tell us if you think there are grounds to withhold specific information in your submission. Reasons might include, it's commercially sensitive or it's personal information. However, any decision MPI makes to withhold information can be reviewed by the Ombudsman, who may require the information be released.